Workshop Frequently
asked questions

A customer arrives late, or doesn’t show for their appointment, now what?
What do I do if we find items that require additional repairs?
  • Additional repairs or services should only be recommended based on the results of a thorough diagnostic test, make sure you are approved to make the repairs.
  • All additional work falls outside the vehicles recommended service schedule and should be quoted separately. If the additional repairs are declined, the original quote must be completed. 
  • Remember customers can resubmit their new quote on the system.  
What happens if the customer has a warranty and we're not approved to work on the car?
  • Under current legislation, you are allowed to complete the service, but any additional warranty work found must be directed to an approved dealership.

What happens if the customer has a valid service or maintenance plan?
  • Provide us with the proof at, we will notify and refund the customer. 
  • Complete the service, invoice the customer and contact the policy holder for payment. 
A customer has an issue with our services rendered and/or goods provided, is Servisor responsible for this?
  • No, if the dispute is within the Guarantee Period, Servisor is not responsible, however where possible, we may elect to assist the parties. 
  •  Servisor will not be involved in disputes outside the Guarantee Period.

What do I do if the vehicle's details are different to what is stated on the Servisor order? (i.e., km’s, year, model, make etc)
  • Get in touch with us at, we will supply both parties with a new quotation matching the details provided.

How do I lodge an account or service query?

A customer contacted me directly to reschedule their appointment, do I inform Servisor?
  • Please do let us know of the change, we will update our systems accordingly. 
  • Don’t forget the quoted price will remain as per the original quoted price. 

Can I change the prices if I made a mistake on my allocations and /or discounts?
  • No, you must at all times commit to the final quoted price and complete the work in full as per the detailed quote provided by Servisor.  
  • However, if you suspect possible fraud, please complete the online query form or, alternatively, contact

I received a poor rating and/or customer feedback, can I challenge it?
  • If you feel the feedback is grossly unfair, contact us and we can investigate this for you.  
  • Only in extreme circumstances will customer feedback be altered.

I have submitted my invoice(s) but there has been no payment into my account, who do I speak to?
  • Remember invoices for completed bookings will not be paid sooner than 20 days after receipt.